Restorative therapy aims to promote a person’s ability to live a normal life, as safely and independently as possible. If you notice that you or any of your senior relatives feel limited in their activities because of previous injuries, have weakness in muscles, and experience a general physical decline, you can get back on track thanks to the restorative therapy.
It’s important to feel the difference between restorative therapy and rehabilitation service, though the two are often used one after another. Rehabilitation services help people gain physical function after injuries or illnesses, whereas restorative therapy is aimed to help people maintain their physical abilities to live a normal life. As a rule, restorative therapy begins right after completing rehabilitation from an illness.
Restorative therapy is commonly prescribed to everyone who needs assistance regaining the same level of independence and mobility prior to an illness. It’s more effective when done regularly. It may take from several weeks to months. Therapists should be constantly monitoring your progress and address those areas of a patent’s life that need improvement the most.
At Aurora Home Health, restorative therapy addresses the following:
- Improving mobility through improved flexibility and overall strength. It’s easier to live a normal daily life when you can move around by yourself.
- Improving a patient’s independence while helping him/her relearn how to perform such daily activities as brushing teeth, dressing, etc. At the end of the therapy, a patient should be able to do it independently as possible.
- Mental health therapy aims to guide patients through the emotional journey as they boost their confidence in taking care of themselves.
At Aurora Home Health, we are proud to offer all the needed senior health services and long-term care to every patient. Our professional staff delivers restorative therapy services in DFW area. Give us a call at 866-934-7060 for more details or a consultation.