As people age, their tendons shorten and muscle cramps. The Aurora Home Health team has the knowledge and experience needed to provide proper care for seniors suffering from disorders, including leg cramps.

The most common symptoms of leg cramps in seniors include: 

  • Contractions occurring during bedtime;
  • Involuntary hardness or tightness in your leg, foot or thigh muscles;
  • Pain lasting from several seconds to several minutes. 

The most common ways to treat leg cramps in seniors include: 

  • Gently massage the affected muscle;
  • Walk on your heels to activate the muscles opposite your calf;
  • Apply heat to the affected muscle
  • Drink pickle juice;
  • Take Tylenol or Advil.

There are also a few ways to prevent severe muscle cramps in the elderly:

  • While you sleep, change your position. Sleep on your back with your pillow behind your knees.
  • Sleep with loose, untucked sheets and comforters to keep your feet pointed upward.
  • Drink plenty of fluids
  • Stretch your legs before bed
  • Wear supportive footwear during the day.
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