Peripheral Vascular Disease (PVD) is a condition of the blood vessels leading to the narrowing and hardening of the arteries. PVD is the condition of blood vessels that supply blood to the legs and feet. The increased blood flow can lead to tissue and nerve damage. It can result in serious health problems. 

PVD commonly happens when the human body cannot keep up with the demand for blood flow in the extremities. Narrowed or blocked vessel commonly results in reduced blood flow. The narrowed vessel reduces blood circulation to the legs. 

The most common symptoms of PVD include: 

  • Cramping in muscles due to increased blood flow
  • Diminished pulses in legs and feet
  • Noticeable change in color (blueness or paleness) or temperature (coolness) when compared to the other limb
  • Worsening leg and/or calf pain with exercise
  • Coldness of the affected body part
  • Blackened areas of skin (gangrene) 
  • Thick opaque toenails

PVD is a disease that causes many challenges for patients and their families. If you need professional and reliable PVD home care services in Plano, the DFW area, Aurora Home Health is always ready to help. Our caring and compassionate staff will keep you connected to your family, friends, and hobby. 

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